Wednesday, Feb 19th 2025

2015 Farm Shop Project

Simon & I (Lisa) have been researching the possibility of diversifying and opening a farm shop for the last two years. We envisage a natural balance being formed between providing an outlet for our own & local produce and educating people about farming practices, the value of the countryside and the importance of supporting local farmers as well as securing the long term future of family farming on Court Farm. It is something we both feel enthusiastic about.

We have created this page so you can see how we progressed throughout our project. Of course, you can also have a chat with us when you next visit the farm shop!  

See our New Farm Shop Gallery for photos!


Taste of Gloucestershire Food & Farming – Finalists

Yay!! We’re Finalists in two Categories of the Taste of Gloucestershire Food & Farming Awards (Butcher of the Year & Farmer of the Year). I can’t believe the year we are having – so pleased our hard work is paying off. Well done to our team!

Cotswold Life Food & Drink Awards

A little birdie tells me we have been nominated in the Cotswold Life Food and Drink Awards 2016!! If anyone else would like to nominate Court Farm Shop in any of the following categories that would be lovely! Many thanks, Lisa, Simon, Helen, Katie, Libby, Mike & Alan – Newcomer […]

Echo’s Weekend GL Magazine

There’s a great article in the Echo’s Weekend GL Magazine. It’s makes a lovely read:…/story-287…/story.html

A Month of Being Open

Our new Farm Shop & Butchery has been open a month now and we are so happy with the amount of support we have been getting. Thank you to everyone who is continuing to shop with us. We have a good selection of products available and our butchery is fantastic!


COURT FARM SHOP IS OFFICIALLY OPEN! We have had a fantastic first couple of days and our meat, eggs, honey, bread, fruit & veg, ales & ciders and lots of other yummy treats have been flying off our shelves. We accept card payments and have plenty of parking. Please help […]

Our Farm Shop is Opening 24th September!

We are so excited that our lovely new Farm Shop is on track to open tomorrow! Mike, our butcher is busy preparing our meat while Helen, Katie & I are stocking shelves. A huge thank you to our family and friends who have helped us along the way. We couldn’t […]

Shelving is Going up!

We have shelving!! It’s all becoming real now. I can’t believe we are opening in four days!! Still lots to do but we will do it

Car Park

As we are busy finishing putting the larch on the front, Simon & Tom are busy working on the car park and putting the fence up. Not long to go now!

We’ve got walls!

We are now focussing on the inside and have internal walls! You will notice the ceiling is also painted – Simon, Dad, Paul & I spent the whole weekend putting four coats on!! My shoulders now ache!

Our New Farm Shop is Opening 24th September!

We are pleased to announce that our New Farm Shop is opening on 24th September! There will be: A Butcher Counter with our own beef, lamb & pork • Free Range Eggs from our own hens • Fruit & Vegetables Dairy • Deli • Jams & Chutneys • Honey from honey bees […]

Farm Shop Progress

Lots of exciting work has been going on since our last news update. Most of the ground work is complete, our new entrance has been done and our roof is on, ready to be tiled! See our New Farm Shop Gallery for photos of our progress!

On the Look out for Wicker Baskets

We are on the look out for wicker baskets (of any size). If you have any lying around that you have no use for, please let us know as we would find a home for them in our new Farm Shop

Traffic Lights Have Gone!

Good News – The traffic lights which were in front of our farm have gone! We now have a nice new entrance ready for our new Farm Shop. A huge thank you to all our customers who still visited our “Egg Shed” during the disruption

Important Customer Information

PLEASE NOTE OUR DOUBLE FARM GATES WILL BE CLOSED FOR TWO WEEKS FROM SUNDAY 5TH JULY WHILE WE DO WORKS ON THE ENTRANCE During this period our “Egg Shed” will remain Open and we kindly ask that all customers use the Farmhouse Gate Entrance (nearest the railway bridge) to enter […]

Farm Shop Layout

Below shows the internal layout of our New Farm Shop. There will be: A butchery with plenty of room for our Butcher to prepare our Court Farm produced beef, lamb & pork as well as locally sourced poultry & game Our main shop area where our “Egg Shed” will be […]

Now For The Drainage

Dave is working on putting in the drainage for our butchery area. We are waiting for a scheduled visit from Building Control to ensure all is ok (I’m sure it is)

Our Steel Frame Is Going Up!!

Simon & I were onsite today to see the steel frame go up. The reality of it all is really beginning to kick in  now. I was hardly able to contain my excitement as I watched the crane swing into action! It’s just like one big meccano set!!    

Visit Our “Egg Shed”

A few people have asked us if we are open while our new Farm Shop is being built. The answer is Yes, you can still visit our Egg Shed the same as you normally do


We are now proud supporters of FARMA, the National Farmers Retail and Markets Association. FARMA is a co-operative of around 500 businesses from across the UK that share one thing – a passion to promote food which is grown (or produced) and sold by the same hands. We have just become members […]

Court Farm Shop – Week One of Building

Our Farm Shop is under way! Day one we saw 14 holes being dug out ready for the concrete pads and bolt boxes to be installed. After just three days we are almost ready for the steel frame which is due to go up next week!

Mapping out of our Farm Shop!

We have been excitedly marking out where our new Farm Shop is going to go. It seems strange that the pegs we have knocked into the ground are the actual outline of the building. Simon has even been manoeuvring the tractors behind the markers to ensure he still has enough room behind the shop […]

New Farm Shop – Building Work is About to Begin!!

Building work for our new farm shop will begin the week of 25th May ’15. We hope to be up and running sometime in September ’15. During the construction period our Egg Shed will remain open. From Monday, 25th May ’15 we kindly ask that all customers use the Farmhouse […]

Farm Shop & Deli Show

We are getting closer to finalising the build & contractors for our new Farm Shop and hope to start building soon! We are now working on the exciting stuff & sourcing local suppliers for when we open. We are off to the Farm Shop & Deli Show tomorrow to get […]

New Hedge

Simon has been busy planting our new hedge against our freshly laid fence! Fingers crossed it will be nicely established ready for when our Farm Shop opens. . . . .

Laurence Robertson MP Visits Court Farm

We had a visit from Laurence Robertson MP last week who came to find out more about our plans to build a new Farm Shop. We showed him around and he loved our “Egg Shed” where we currently sell our free range eggs & local produce. It’s great to have so […]

Court Farm Shop

Wanted: Farm Shop Equipment & Shop Fittings

We are currently on the look out for Butcher & Deli Equipment as well as Shop Fittings and sundries (wicker display baskets, wicker shopping baskets, rustic shelving units, serving counters etc.). Please contact us if you become aware of a farm shop, butchers or deli closing down as we may be interested in their […]

On the Look out for Potential Contractors

Over the next couple of months we will need to appoint a contractor to take on and complete the building our New Farm Shop. If you are interested in tendering for our exciting project please contact us

Making Room For Our New Farm Shop

We have been busy over Christmas! We have taken down two buildings and cleared away a few dead trees to make room for our New Farm Shop. Over the next few weeks we will be marking out where the new shop is going to go as well as clearing away the existing […]

New Farm Shop – Update!

In between, enjoying our Christmas Turkey and tending to our farm animals we have started to clear the area where our New Farm Shop is going to be built. Have a look at our Farm Shop Page to see what we have been up to. . . .

Court Farm Honey

We are pleased to announce that we have found ourselves a bee keeper to manage our hives and produce our very own honey! We hope to have honey ready to sell in our new Farm Shop when it opens in Summer 2015

New Farm Shop – Is this the beginning?

Some measuring to do with the farm shop was done today. Another item to tick off the list!

Court Farm Shop

Court Farm Shop

We are really pleased to announce that our dreams have finally become reality. After a year or so of researching, Simon & Lisa have just been given planning permission to construct and open a purpose built farm shop! To follow our progress, please see our New Farm Shop News page and like […]

Opening Hours

Mon–Fri        8.30–18:00
Saturday      8.30–17:30
Sunday        10.00–16:00


Court Farm Shop
Stoke Road
Stoke Orchard
GL52 7RY

Email & Phone
01242 678374


We accept debit & credit cards and cash. We do not accept cheques